Friday, October 23, 2009

Chapter 1. Purpose of Computer Graphics
1.1 Early history of computer graphics
1.2 Data visualization in medicine, art and engineering
1.3 The Computer Generation

Chapter 2. Hardware concepts
2.1 Mouse ,keyboard, light pen, touch screen and tablet input hardware
2.2 Raster and vector display architecture
2.3 Architecture of simple non-graphical display terminals
2.4 Architecture of graphical display terminals including frame buffer and color manipulation techniques
2.5 Graphical architecture bottelnecks and interaction with operating system
2.6 Specialized graphical processors and future development directions

Chapter 3. Two dimensional algorithms
3.1 Direction and incremental line drawing algorithms
3.2 Bresenham algorithm
3.3 Two-dimensional world to screen viewing transformation
3.4 Two-dimensional rotation, scaling and translation transforms
3.5 Current Transformation concepts and advantages
3.6 Data Structure concepts and CAD packages

Chapter 4. Graphical language
4.1 Need for machine independent graphical language
4.2 Discussion of available languages
4.3 Detail discussion of graphical languages to be used in projects

Chapter 5. Three-dimensional graphics
5.1 Three-dimensional world to screen perspective viewingtransform
5.2 Extension of two dimensional transforms to three dimensions
5.3 Methods of generating non-planar surfaces
5.4 Hidden line and hidden surface removal techniques
5.5 Need of shading in engineering data visualization
5.6 Algorithms to simulate ambient, diffuse and specular reflections
5.7 Constant, gouraud and phong shading models
5.8 Specialized and future three-dimensional display architectures

Chapter 6. Project Mangaement and Development
6.1 Review of project management techniques
6.2 Review of Program Debugging techniques
6.3 Project planning and description
6.4 Project development
6.5 Project report and presentation

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